Valibot Resolver

Valibot is a new TypeScript schema validation library that offers type-safe validation with static type inference, a small bundle size of less than 300 bytes, and the ability to validate a range of data types from strings to complex objects. It is open source and has 100% test coverage. Valibot includes many transformation and validation helpers, and its source code is minimal, readable, and has no dependencies. Its well-structured API makes it a great choice for schema validation.

This example provides a first draft of a resolver to use Valibot with React Hook Form. The example form is build using shadcn/ui components. It validates a Valibot schema using a custom resolver, providing a playground to test if the resolver works correctly.

Example Form

This is an example for a simple signup form. It does not actually do anything. It just logs the values to the console.




Have fun playing with it and let me know if you have any questions or feedback!